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Welcome to a transformative journey tailored for aspiring and direction-seeking entrepreneurs. In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, understanding the language of business is essential to impactful, sustaining success. We invite you to embark on a ten-topic workshop - styled as a 90 minute, weekly, interactive, virtual session of daily use accounting - designed to be your compass in this 'foreign country' called business. As an entrepreneur you're navigating this 'country' and most do so without a grasp of its primary language—accounting—worry not, this workshop is your vehicle to minimizing that language barrier by teaching you how to automate your accounting and analyze your financials.

Your time is valuable.

Running a business leaves little time for learning and performing accounting - we understand. Good thing our flexible, concise workshops are designed for busy entrepreneurs. You will learn techniques and receive resources to make parts of your accounting processes automated and efficient. Invest a few hours now to save countless hours and financial headaches in the future.

Learning through YouTube is possible but it's harder and takes forever.

Fragmented, impersonal online resources. Your business deserves more than that. Our interactive workshops offer structured, comprehensive learning with real-time expert guidance. Say goodbye to learning in isolation and enjoy a collaborative, engaging educational experience.

Go Further. Go Faster. When Together.

Believe in yourself. You can do this.

Worried about costly financial mistakes? Makes sense. Improper accounting can be costly. Thankfully you have a certified accounting professional teaching you. Gain the skills to manage your business finances accurately and confidently, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring a healthier financial future for your business.

Trust us - you are not alone.

We've developed a curriculum that stems from over 75 conversations we've had with new and seasoned entrepreneurs. No matter what stage you are in, our workshops are designed specifically for someone with little to no accounting background, making accounting concepts simple and understandable. Start your journey to making informed business decisions with us!

Make informed decisions, not speculative decisions.

Wondering why accounting is crucial for your business? Our workshops illuminate how effective accounting is key to making informed decisions, managing finances and driving business growth. Unlock the potential of accounting today!

The ten topics covered in our workshop serve as a baseline, providing essential insights into the language of business. In the realm of entrepreneurship, traditional routes of learning accounting often come with a hefty price tag and an abundance of unrelated information. Our curriculum has been meticulously battle-tested with over 75 entrepreneurs and counting, ensuring it is finely tuned to extract the relevant data needed for everyday business decisions.

This workshop doesn't just teach accounting; it distills the complexities, offering a streamlined and cost-effective path to understanding the language of business, empowering entrepreneurs to navigate the world of business with confidence and precision.


Contact Us

Still have questions? We'd love to hear from you! We will give you a call or you can give us a call at 704.323.6783

If you are inquiring about our workshops or training, then simply type "Workshops" or "Training" in the Message box.